Thursday 24 April 2014

The end of FB

The End Of Facebook – FB Caught Scamming Its Users | Collective-Evolution

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The End Of Facebook – FB Caught Scamming Its Users

April 18, 2014 by Joe Martino. 67 Comments.  Share on Facebook  Twitter I write this as our FB page with 420,000 fans only has the ability to reach a few thousand people with every post; less than 1% of the fans we worked so hard to acquire.When Facebook was first starting out years ago, it was a great tool for connecting people. Originally aimed at connecting students, Facebook was a means by which you could stay caught up with old friends and acquaintances. As it got bigger, more and more people were able to join Facebook, effectively creating a platform where people could instantly connect with one another and share information. Soon enough, communities popped up, people with like minds and interests were able to share new bits of information easily and even spread awareness about causes. Facebook became a huge tool in waking people up to various things going on across the world as people in one country could share what the media wouldn’t cover in another country. Users were able to help change the world through Facebook.Then Facebook went public. The moment any company goes public something happens, money becomes more important than it ever was. Now Facebook had to answer to its shareholders and show revenue increases each year. They needed to constantly grow. The unsustainable model that has destroyed our world in such a big way now made its way into an online tool that was waking people up to everything wrong with the world and what followed is extremely unfortunate. Facebook began limiting what users were able to see as they wanted people to pay for their posts to reach people. Most of this was done to Facebook pages, but it affects everyone.As the graph above illustrates, the more money Facebook wanted to make, the more they limited users ability to see what they liked on Facebook and the more Facebook page owners lost the ability to reach people. Cutting organic reach from 20% of your following to about 1% means that messages that matter can’t be shared through Facebook as easily. Not only that, users are constantly upset with the fact that Facebook keeps changing how their platform works and having the user experience worsen as each month goes by. Imagine signing up for a magazine that covered something you are interested in and you specifically ask to keep having it sent to you and then suddenly they only gave you access to things you don’t care about. This is the new Facebook.If that wasn’t bad enough, as Facebook pushed out their new advertising models, they promised increased Likes, reach or engagement from users should you decide to pay for it. Personally we (CE) have tried this a number of times and the results are so shockingly poor you can’t even believe they offer it as a service. We’ve dumped hundreds into Facebook’s advertising models at various points only to reach another couple of people or gain a handful more likes to our page. How could such a model be sustainable? It’s not. but it gets worse, later we found out that Facebook actually sends ‘Likes’ to fan pages that aren’t even from real accounts. Imagine paying for a customer to engage with your content, but in reality that customer is a robot and never will. So yes, your fan numbers might go up but that account will never engage or view your content. Sounds like a bit of a scam to me. Paying for something and being told you are getting it but not.Find out more about that below.Once we even made a meme about how Facebook was cutting organic reach and limiting what users could see. It was a very tasteful meme with no profanity, just information. When we tried to pay to boost this post, Facebook not only denied the advertising request but they deleted our post all together. How’s that for censorship? Facebook doesn’t even want users to know what they are doing to them.So what can we do? How can we get back to sharing important information and messages with the world? Unfortunately I don’t have that answer. Currently we sit with 420,000 fans on Facebook yet most of our posts only reach about 2000 – 5000 of them. That’s less than 1%!One option is to go to Facebook pages you like and where it says “Liked” click on it and select “Get Notifications.” This will ensure that posts from that page will have a higher chance of showing up in your news feed.When you are on that page, do your best to share as much content as possible to increase the reach of that material.Maybe it’s time we create another platform? Or in a mass way force Facebook to change it’s model? What do you think?You can like us on Google+ or join our mailing list (see sidebar) to follow us more easily as well.Want to see how backwards Facebook’s model is? Check this out.  Share on Facebook  Share on Twitter

 About the author

Joe Martino

I created CE 4 years ago and have been heavily at it since. I love inspiring others to find joy and make changes in their lives. Hands down the only other thing I am this passionate about is baseball. Feel free to email me at  


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 67 comments on “The End Of Facebook – FB Caught Scamming Its Users”

Pingback: Internet wie lepiej. | Filip DawidPingback: Blog | Jessica Molčan | This Whole Facebook KafuffleEricApril 22, 2014 at 5:35 pmOne person’s “scamming users” is another person’s freeing their newsfeed of clutter. Newspaper ad sales collapsed when Craigslist came along, so marketers had to adapt to new ways for trying to reach customers. That’s always how it is. Get over it. The Internet isn’t some magic place where everything is supposed to be free because it’s all made of fairy dust. the Internet is made of people, and people are the same no matter what platform they’re on. If FB works for you, yay, keep using it. If it doesn’t, go somewhere else. End of story. ReplyAndy Akins (@theandyakins)April 22, 2014 at 11:08 amYou all realize that there are a billion people on Facebook, right? Many people who have 1000+ friends and 250-500 page likes. If the newsfeed showed EVERYTHING, you would NEVER see the things you care about. It sucks that they place less priority on business, but Facebook was originally for friends to connect not businesses to advertise. You should know better than to expect a free advertising platform. You want more views? Create better content. Quality > Quantity. There are plenty of pages still doing really well. The nature of advertising anyway isn’t going to be where everyone see it. There are hundreds of billboards I drive by everyday that I never look at; no ad will ever impact 100% of its potential reach. That’s why you don’t ONLY use Facebook; you use it as part of a bigger campaign. ReplyAuntieBellumApril 23, 2014 at 12:47 amAnd that’s Facebook’s problem because why??? I liked pages because I wanted to see their posts. All of them. If it overwhelms me, that’s none of Facebook’s damn business. ReplyMark AaronApril 22, 2014 at 9:54 amthe thing that negates this is that each user can customize their feeds to suit their needs. also facebook is always tweaking their algorithm that delegates the stream. personally, I love what they’ve done with mine and how I’ve set it up. and there’s simply not going to be a site with this sophistication in a very very long time unless it’s Google Plus or Twitter. that’s the reality. ReplyPingback: The End Of Facebook – FB Caught Scamming Its Users | The Right Of The PeoplejohnApril 21, 2014 at 3:01 pmcheck out Diaspora* -an open source, distributed (not all on one companie’s private servers) social network poised to be the “Facebook killer”… what we call a “Facebook profile” should just be an extension of your email address mailbox, and should utimately be “rolled into” the next major upgrade of TCP/IP/http/email protocols (Web 3.0?) ReplySerenityApril 21, 2014 at 2:27 pmFacebook is supposed to be free for users. I am a facebook user. I also happen to be an author with a page. I’m not asking for facebook to advertise me, I would expect to have to pay to advertise through facebook. All I want is for facebook to allow ALL of the other users who have liked my page the chance to see the content I put up. It *should* work just like the newsfeed does for a user’s friends. Things go up there, you see them, maybe you miss a couple because you weren’t online that one night or whatever… that’s all cool… but facebook is limiting the percentage of people who even have a chance to see the content. I shouldn’t have to pay them to allow those who have liked my page to see my content. I should only have to pay if I want to ADVERTISE through Facebook. Like, I don’t expect the newspaper to print my ad for free, but I also expect that they won’t limit views by taking down (hiding) my printed page that I push-pinned to the free bulletin board outside. ReplybooseyheyApril 21, 2014 at 12:47 pmThe FBI should investigate the car bomb in Beirut in 1985 which killed 80 people and injured over 200 others which was reported in the NYT as being the handiwork of the CIA. “William J. Casey, the former Director of Central Intelligence, personally arranged for Saudi Arabia to sponsor a car bomb attack against a Lebanese Shiite religious leader believed to be involved in terrorism, according to a new book” (By Stephen Engelberg, “Casey Reported Behind ’85 Lebanon Bombing”, New York Times, September 27, 1987).The CIA should investigate the FBI’s role in most domestic terrorist plots in the USA. “In his new book, “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism,” Aaronson argues that the U.S. government is responsible for “hatching and financing more terrorist plots in the United States than any other group.”"If there’s any better example of terrorism in the world today then it’s the FBI, the CIA, the US military-industrial-complex, and the US Federal Government. ReplyPingback: The END OF FACEBOOK – FB Caught Scamming Its Users | Revere Radio NetworkDanApril 21, 2014 at 12:37 pmWE have the exactly the same issue with one of clients holiday rentals business, we spent good time and money growing our fan base to 3,000,000 over 6 years, and now are pages posts get 100s to at the very most 3000 ish, views.As a web agency we used to encourage businesses to create FB pages, but to be honest depending on the type of business you have, you rarely get anything from it, and with these recent changes Facebook has become a waste of time and money, we have now moved everything to Google Plus and wont be going back.Facebook is dead for us. and anyone with half a brain should move away as well, although I am not saying Google are that great either, although compared with FB, I know who I would rather get in to bed with. ReplyBillApril 21, 2014 at 12:19 pmwah wah wah… Facebook is pay to play, stop crying, if you aren’t making money from it then your audience targeting is completely wrong… I know this because my clients make sales and money daily from Facebook ads… Go back to the drawing board and stop complaining…. Replybwatts4April 21, 2014 at 12:40 pmwhich page do you run Bill? ReplyDanApril 22, 2014 at 12:06 pmWhatever Bill, I assume you work for FB, otherwise you would tell us which page you do sooooo well from lmao ReplyPingback: The End Of Facebook – FB Caught Scamming Its Users | Disclosure News OnlineAdrian JohanssonApril 21, 2014 at 7:51 amFacebook is useless today.I’m a photographer and the best Photo-Meet of the year fell apart because it was organized on facebook and people just didn’t get informed about it in time.So yea I’m looking for alternatives. ReplyTracy W.April 21, 2014 at 7:18 amI manage a small chiropractic office. We had a month long health related boot camp in January of this year. When I noticed that posts were not being seen, we paid to boost the event invitation. We received a grand total of 5 new LIKES to our page and 20 event attendees that never showed up. As I looked through pages of the “attendees”, I notice they didn’t seem real. Their only FB interaction was nothing but liking pages, and they never post pictures or comments. This was the case for all 20 fake attendees. Are these people that get paid to LIKE pages and respond to ads? I think they are on Facebook’s payroll. ReplyLafiApril 21, 2014 at 5:39 am“but it gets worse, later we found out that Facebook actually sends ‘Likes’ to fan pages that aren’t even from real accounts.”Can you explain how you found out? ReplyKris WilkinsApril 22, 2014 at 5:18 am Lafi.. people have been doing tests.. check out the link from Veritasium.. it’s good  he explains what actually happens. ReplyavihackzApril 21, 2014 at 3:45 amnyc one Replynickhood67April 20, 2014 at 10:30 pmBut there ARE other platforms. Platforms that emerged out of the Occupy Movement such as and is currently suspended for some suspiscious reason) ReplyCarrie osburnApril 20, 2014 at 8:10 pmI don’t know if it will do anybody any good but I stayed this if anyone is interested. ReplyAmaan “El Tuerto” AliApril 20, 2014 at 6:32 pmSame here faceboook destroyed my 300k + page, it was a non profit fan page. now im using Google it’s way better here. ReplyHeather MarieApril 20, 2014 at 2:39 pmShared! ReplyChrisApril 20, 2014 at 11:57 amI do not blame them for charging in for reach. Why should they work hard to not make astronomical profits like any other big company in this country. ReplyEricApril 20, 2014 at 10:13 amI closed my FB account years ago. It’s a total scam. I’m glad you are waking up to this. Replybradmiller_April 20, 2014 at 10:12 amIt’s a pay to play space. No surprise that this was coming. Don’t be surprised if other social media networks such as Twitter follow suit in the near future. With recent M&A, Facebook seems to be a couple steps ahead of every other social media platform and even a step ahead of tech giants likeGoogle, Microsoft, etc. Unfortunately for you, it does not seem FB is going anywhere anytime soon. ReplyPingback: The End Of Facebook – FB Caught Scamming Its Users | Random Candidate Older Comments 

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