Tuesday 19 November 2013

Démocratie participative


You started this thread with five good ideas. Then the thread devolved into a futile debate over "elections".Welcome to the debate of the DRIFTERS. (I liked them better when they sang Under The Boardwalk.)Democracy means "rule by the people" -- government of, by, and for the people.America has never been a democracy. Democracy as a form of government is a very bad idea. America has always been a Representative Republic. There is no such thing as government of, by, and for the people. The people don't have time to govern. They are busy living their lives. So they HIRE (elect) a group of idiots to govern. We have made an idol out of elections. We think we cannot live without them.We've gotten some very good historical references to prove that: King George, Joself Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, etc. Politicians should be replaced as often as diapers need to be changed, and for the same reason.If all "Elected Officials" were to disappear overnight, the country would continue to function.That function would last maybe ten minutes. If we were that lucky. Without leadership, we don't have a country. We have SOMALIA. Our country was exceptional in 1789, because the government was Constrained and Limited,Agreed there. But let's take a look at what happened. The DEVIL didn't suddenly appear and create Barak Obama. The Supreme Court was constitutional until it legislated from the bench its right to legislate from the bench. The Federal Reserve was created because ignorant peasants didn't understand the concept of fractional banking. All those Fascist regulations came about because dumb people bought the myth about Robber Barons (when the only REAL Robber Barons were in government.) And the welfare state that reelects Democrats came about because some people combined selfishness and greed with envy and resentmentWe HAD a constrained and limited government, but we STILL were a nation of flawed and at times SELFISH humans. 
Big ideas

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