Saturday 16 November 2013

John Rachel

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No . . . THEY DON’T!
Posted on November 14, 2013 by johnrachel

I’m finally cured __ I hope.

I used to ask questions like . . .

“Don’t the rich care that there are many unfortunate people in America who will go to bed hungry?”

Or . . .

“Don’t they want world peace __ a permanent end to war?”

Or . . .

“Don’t they want everyone to share in the vast wealth of America?”

Or . . .

“Don’t they want true democracy in our country?”

Well . . .

The answer in most cases is:  THEY DON’T!

Who are the ‘they’?

You know who they are. They know who they are.

They’re not ashamed at all. In fact they’re quite proud of their elitist status. It’s their imperial entitlement. They’re rich. They can afford to not give a shit.

Take the first question. Quite simply, there are many people in our midst __ to whatever degree they mix with us pathetic peasants __ who can just shrug when they see a starving child. Especially if the kid isn’t white.

Or they look the other way. “The view of the marina is so lovely from the club house, don’t you think, honey?”

How about war? Give me a break! They love war! They make tons of money on war. Best of all, they don’t have to fight them. They just wave the flag, conjure up some cartoon version of an imminent threat to our country, our women, our freedom __ whatever __ then send the rest of us, especially if we’re not white, off to fight and die to protect their investment portfolios.

How about sharing the wealth? Are you crazy? It’s a lot of hard work piling up daddy’s money in nice pretty stacks. Why share it? Besides, we all know what would happen. Your typical slob would waste it on beer, lottery tickets, a leather bumper bra for his Ford F-150 Series pickup, the latest X-box, and a new flat panel TV to watch porn.

What about democracy? This nation was founded on . . . right right. Yes, we are a symbol throughout the world of government of the people, by the people, for the people. The rich know a good thing when they see it. Image is everything. So they want to keep the illusion of democracy in America, where everyone gets a darn good feeling every couple years from thinking that by voting they are deciding the direction of the country and shaping a future for their children. But giving people a real say in government? No way! If the majority of citizens could actually make a difference, it would be complete anarchy! Why everyone would have plenty of food, clean air and water, educational opportunities, the best health care, good solid jobs. The U.S. would be at peace and provide leadership in the world to address the challenges of poverty, disease, climate change, wealth inequity, illiteracy, women’s rights, proper nutrition, population control. What a nightmare!

Aah yes! It’s a relief knowing where things stand. Knowing that it’s a complete waste of time to try to discuss the values which we as Americans all supposedly share, but in point of fact do not. Most of us do. But the ones who have ruthlessly destroyed our democracy and now firmly clutch the reins of control over every aspect of our society, do not!

Here’s what I’ve concluded we each must do, and the advice I now give myself every day. It’s kind of a new form of meditation. The idea is to get me to wake up, pay attention, stop dreaming like some silly clueless idiot. My newest spiritual mantra . . .


Try it! Say these every day. Repeat as needed for it to really sink in.

There are frankly some very very ugly people in the world. We here in America have more than our share. They’re selfish, smug, disdainful, self-absorbed assholes __ sociopaths who don’t care about any of the things most people reading this blog care about.

They do have their own set of priorities.

They love war. They love absolute power over others. They want all of the material wealth they can get their hands on. They love getting their way because they really truly know in their imperious hearts they deserve it. They know they’re right about everything, so it’s their right to ignore the filthy masses. But . . .

They don’t care about starving children much less starving adults.

They don’t care about human suffering unless it’s theirs.

They don’t care about murdering innocent people.

They don’t care about equality and justice.

They don’t care about democracy.

They don’t care about you.

They don’t care about me.

Hate to break it to you.

They just don’t care.

[ I'm sorry if my views offend any of the wussy liberals out there. But as Chris Hedges has eloquently pointed out in his amazing book "Death of the Liberal Class", by ignoring treachery you become its ally. ]

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This entry was posted in Deconstruction, Nihilism, Political Rant, Social Commentary, War and Peace and tagged affluence, class warfare, democracy, disease, elite, exceptionalism, hunger, illiteracy, malnutrition, meditation, oligarchy, racism, sociopaths, war and peace, wealth. Bookmark the permalink.
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